RNA Extraction Service

What is RNA Extraction?

RNA extraction is the process of isolating RNA molecules from biological samples for subsequent analysis or experimentation. It involves breaking down cells or tissues to release RNA while preserving its integrity and preventing degradation. This delicate procedure is essential for various applications, including gene expression analysis, transcriptomics, and diagnostic assays.

BOC Sciences' RNA Extraction Service

In the realm of molecular biology and genetic analysis, the extraction of high-quality RNA is paramount for the success of downstream applications. RNA, the intermediary messenger molecule between DNA and protein synthesis, holds crucial information about gene expression and regulation. Based on this, as a renowned leader in scientific services, BOC Sciences offers advanced RNA extraction services tailored to meet the diverse needs of researchers and industries worldwide. Our RNA extraction services boast unparalleled quality, reliability, and efficiency, backed by decades of experience and cutting-edge technologies.

Sample Submission Type

Utilizing state-of-the-art equipment and proprietary extraction methodologies, BOC Sciences ensures the extraction of high-quality RNA from diverse sample types, including:

  • Human and animal samples: blood, saliva, tissue, cultured cells
  • Plant samples: leaves, seeds
  • Microbial samples: bacteria, fungi, viruses
  • Food and environmental samples: soil, water
  • Forensic samples: blood spots, buccal swabs, hairs

RNA Extraction Steps

The extraction of RNA entails a series of meticulously orchestrated steps to ensure the preservation of RNA integrity and purity. The basic steps involved in RNA extraction that BOC Sciences provides encompass:

  • Harvesting the cells or tissue: Collection of the RNA source, involving techniques tailored to the specific sample type, whether bacterial cells, mammalian cells, or tissues.
  • Lysing the cells: Disruption of cellular membranes to release nucleic acids, accomplished through lysis buffers containing chaotropic agents or mechanical disruption methods.
  • Inactivating RNases: Crucial for protecting RNA integrity, achieved using agents like phenol and chloroform to inhibit RNase activity.
  • Capturing the RNA: Isolating RNA from the lysate, either through liquid-liquid extraction or binding to solid surfaces like silica, followed by precipitation and collection.
  • Removing contaminants: Eliminating DNA, proteins, and other cellular components through enzymatic digestion or organic extraction methods.
  • Resuspending or eluting RNA: Purified RNA is resuspended in suitable buffers for downstream applications.
  • Quantifying and assessing RNA quality: Evaluation of RNA yield, concentration, and purity, typically using UV spectroscopy.
  • Storage: Preservation of RNA integrity by storing purified RNA at -80°C for long-term use.

RNA Extraction Methods

BOC Sciences offers a diverse array of RNA extraction methods tailored to the specific requirements of different samples and experimental objectives:

  • Guanidium-acid-phenol extraction(TRNzol): A robust liquid-liquid extraction method suitable for various sample types, separating RNA from other cellular components efficiently.
  • Silica technology, glass fiber filters: Solid-phase extraction utilizing column-spin filters, providing high yields of pure RNA suitable for downstream applications.
  • Cesium chloride density gradient centrifugation: A sophisticated method employing ultracentrifugation to separate RNA based on density gradients, ensuring high purity and integrity.
  • Magnetic bead technology: Utilizing magnetic particles to capture RNA, offering rapid and efficient purification with minimal hands-on time.
  • Lithium chloride and urea isolation: A versatile method for RNA extraction from diverse samples, combining precipitation and organic extraction techniques.
  • Oligo(dt)-cellulose column: Ideal for isolating mRNA or polyadenylated RNAs, exploiting complementary base pairing to trap RNA on oligo(dT)-cellulose resin.

Service Process

  • Our RNA extraction service follows a systematic workflow designed to ensure optimal results and customer satisfaction. The service process includes the following steps:
  • Sample Preparation: Clients submit their samples to BOC Sciences, ensuring proper labeling and documentation of sample information and requirements.
  • Extraction Process: Our experienced scientists employ advanced extraction methodologies and cutting-edge technologies to isolate RNA from the submitted samples efficiently.
  • Quality Control: Extracted RNA undergoes rigorous quality control measures to assess yield, purity, and integrity, ensuring the reliability of downstream applications.
  • Result Delivery: Clients receive detailed reports containing comprehensive data on RNA yield, purity, and quality, along with expert recommendations for further analysis or experimentation.

Applications of Our RNA Extraction Service

RNA extracted using BOC Sciences' protocols finds diverse applications across various fields of research, playing a crucial role in elucidating molecular mechanisms, understanding disease pathogenesis, and developing therapeutic interventions.

Gene Expression Analysis

One of the primary applications of RNA extraction is in gene expression analysis. By isolating RNA from cells or tissues of interest, researchers can quantify the abundance of specific mRNA transcripts using techniques such as quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) or RNA sequencing. This enables the study of how gene expression profiles change under different conditions, providing insights into cellular responses to stimuli, developmental processes, and disease states.

PCR Amplification

RNA extraction is a crucial step in reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR) or quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR), where RNA molecules are reverse transcribed into complementary DNA (cDNA) before amplification. This technique allows for the detection and quantification of RNA transcripts with high sensitivity and specificity, making it invaluable in diagnostics, gene expression profiling, and biomarker discovery.

RNA Sequencing

Advancements in high-throughput RNA sequencing technologies have revolutionized transcriptomic studies, enabling the comprehensive profiling of RNA populations within cells or tissues. RNA extraction is a critical pre-processing step for RNA sequencing, ensuring the isolation of high-quality RNA samples for library preparation. RNA sequencing facilitates the identification of novel transcripts, alternative splicing events, and differential gene expression patterns, driving discoveries in functional genomics and systems biology.

Functional Genomics

RNA interference (RNAi) and CRISPR-based gene editing technologies rely on the delivery of RNA molecules, such as small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) or guide RNAs (gRNAs), to modulate gene expression or induce targeted genomic modifications. RNA extraction provides the essential starting material for generating these RNA molecules, enabling precise manipulation of gene function in vitro and in vivo. Functional genomics studies using RNA extraction contribute to understanding gene function, pathway regulation, and disease mechanisms.

Molecular Diagnostics

In clinical settings, RNA extraction plays a crucial role in molecular diagnostics, particularly in the detection and characterization of infectious agents, genetic disorders, and cancer biomarkers. Techniques such as reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR) and next-generation sequencing (NGS) are employed for the detection of viral RNA, aberrant gene expression patterns, and somatic mutations associated with disease. RNA extraction protocols optimized for clinical specimens ensure the accurate and reliable detection of RNA-based biomarkers, facilitating early disease diagnosis and personalized treatment strategies.

Benefits of Our RNA Extraction Service

BOC Sciences' RNA extraction service offers numerous advantages, making it the preferred choice for researchers and industries worldwide:

  • High yield and purity: Our extraction protocols consistently yield high-quality RNA suitable for sensitive downstream applications.
  • Versatility: With a range of methods catering to diverse sample types and experimental needs, researchers can extract RNA from various sources with ease.
  • Efficiency: BOC Sciences' extraction methods are optimized for efficiency, enabling rapid isolation of RNA with minimal hands-on time.
  • Reliability: Backed by years of experience and rigorous quality control, our extraction protocols deliver reliable results, empowering researchers to advance their scientific endeavors with confidence.

In conclusion, RNA and DNA extraction form the cornerstone of molecular biology research, facilitating the unraveling of the genetic mysteries that govern life processes. At BOC Sciences, we are committed to providing cutting-edge extraction methods that empower researchers to extract nucleic acids efficiently and reliably, driving forward the frontiers of scientific discovery.

* Only for research. Not suitable for any diagnostic or therapeutic use.
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