Biotin Labeling of Oligonucleotides


What is Biotin Labeling?

Biotin labeling is an analytical tool to label target molecules (e.g., proteins, nucleic acids, small molecules, etc.) by introducing biotin into these molecules for subsequent study for experimental purposes of detection, purification, or visualization. Biotin is a water-soluble derivative of vitamin B that binds with high affinity and specificity to avidin or streptavidin. Thus, by introducing biotin into a target molecule, the detection and isolation of labeled molecules can be achieved by exploiting the high affinity and specificity of biotin binding to avidin or streptavidin.

Biotin as a reactive handle to selectively label proteins and dna with small molecules.Figure 1. Biotin as a reactive handle to selectively label proteins and dna with small molecules. (A, D, Cotton.; et al, 2022)

The steps of biotin labeling usually include:

What is Biotin Oligonucleotide?

Biotin oligonucleotide is a biotin-labeled oligonucleotide molecule. Oligonucleotides are molecules consisting of shorter sequences of nucleotides, and in Biotin Oligonucleotide, one or more positions of these oligonucleotides are labeled with biotin. Biotin Oligonucleotide is commonly used in molecular biology and biochemistry experiments where the affinity of biotin can be used to label and detect these molecules. This labeling is highly specific and sensitive and is therefore widely used in a variety of applications.

Site-specific attachment of DNA handles to a protein is necessary for force spectroscopy using a double-dumbbell optical tweezers set up.Figure 2. Site-specific attachment of DNA handles to a protein is necessary for force spectroscopy using a double-dumbbell optical tweezers set up. (S, Marie.; et al, 2019)

Applications of Biotin Oligonucleotide

BOC Sciences Offers Biotin Labeling Oligonucleotides

BOC Sciences provides you with biotin-based labeled oligonucleotides to meet your customization needs in a variety of biological and laboratory applications in assays, imaging, and quantification that require nucleic acid analysis. We offer the following types of biotin labeling customization needs for you to choose from, in addition to oligonucleotides, which are equally suitable for labeling of nucleotides, primers, PCR amplicons, and aptamers.

Type of Biotin Labeling Description Price
Standard BiotinThis is a common and widely used form of biotin labeling that uses the C6 spacer region to attach biotin to the 5' or 3' end of an oligonucleotide.Inquiry
Biotin dTThis is a method that uses a biotin doped into the thymidine (T) position in the oligonucleotide sequence, enabling the addition of biotin to the interior of the oligonucleotide.Inquiry
Biotin-TEGTEG, also known as triethylene glycol, is a flexible linker. The biotin-TEG modification consists of a spacer region (TEG) between the biotin and the oligonucleotide, enabling an increase in the distance of the oligobiotin to 15 atoms, and is often used to avoid blocking problems.Inquiry
Dual BiotinDouble biotin is a modification involving the incorporation of two functional biotin moieties into an oligonucleotide that can greatly enhance affinity.Inquiry
PC BiotinThis is a method of attaching biotin to a phosphorothioate-modified nucleotide in the oligonucleotide sequence.Inquiry
DesthioBiotin-TEGDesthioBiotin-TEG is similar to Biotin-TEG, but without the thiol group. TEG provides flexibility primarily for the localization of biotin markers.Inquiry
Biotin AzideThis biotin carries modifications of reactive azide groups and is primarily used in click chemistry for specific labeling applications.Inquiry

Advantages of BOC Sciences' Biotin Labeling Oligonucleotides

Based on industry-leading oligonucleotide synthesis technology platforms and state-of-the-art equipment, more tailor-made services not mentioned are available at BOC Sciences. Please relax and contact us, we always look forward to partnering with you.


  1. A, D, Cotton.; et al. Biotin as a Reactive Handle to Selectively Label Proteins and DNA with Small Molecules. ACS Chemical Biology. 2022, 17(12), 3270-3275.
  2. S, Marie.; et al. Bioorthogonal Protein-DNA Conjugation Methods for Force Spectroscopy. Scientific Reports. 2019, 9: 13820.
* Only for research. Not suitable for any diagnostic or therapeutic use.
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