Custom Plate Oligonucleotide Synthesis

As a professional oligonucleotide synthesis company, BOC RNA has designed and built a standard plate oligonucleotide synthesis solution. Our advanced and innovative manufacturing process ensures you get a high-quality product. In addition, our scientists will provide you with free consultation and technical support for your research needs in molecular biology, diagnostics and drug discovery.

Custom Plate Oligonucleotide Synthesis


Oligonucleotides are short single-stranded fragments of nucleic acids that can easily bind to their respective complementary fragments in a sequence specific manner to form double-stranded bodies. Oligonucleotides are usually synthesized in vitro by solid-phase chemistry synthesis.

As early as the early 1990s, DA Lashkari et al. developed a 96-well plate-based automated multiplex oligonucleotide synthesizer (96-well-plate-AMOS). AMOS utilizes 5'-protected deoxynucleosides anchored to the controlled pore glass matrix (which is in a modified 96-well plate enclosed in an argon flow chamber) support at the 3' -terminal through chemically cleavable linker. Then a series of phosphamide synthesis chemistry was carried out to rapidly synthesize up to 96 different oligonucleotides simultaneously in 96-well microtitration. Upon completion of the strand assembly process, the oligonucleotide is released from the solid support and eluted from the column or pore. Finally, the quality of oligonucleotide was evaluated by capillary electrophoresis (CE) combined with High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), and the amount of oligonucleotide product was measured by mass spectrometry (MS).

Subsequently, more advanced oligonucleotide synthesizers were constructed, such as MerMade (oligos synthesizer for high-throughput production of oligonucleotide in dual 96-well plates), NG-1536-AMOS (1536 well plate oligonucleotide synthesizer). Their emergence further reduces the production cost while meeting the need for higher throughput oligonucleotide synthesis.

Contents of Custom Plate Oligonucleotide Synthesis Services

Service OptionsProductSynthesis ScaleLengthPrice
Custom DNA Plate OligoSingle-stranded DNA Plate Oligo10 nmol15 - 60 BasesInquiry
25 nmol15 - 60 BasesInquiry
50 nmol10 - 90 BasesInquiry
100 nmol10 - 90 BasesInquiry
Primer mix DNA Plate Oligo10 nmol15 - 60 BasesInquiry
25 nmol15 - 60 BasesInquiry
50 nmol10 - 90 BasesInquiry
100 nmol10 - 90 BasesInquiry
Duplexed DNA Plate Oligo50 nmol10 - 90 BasesInquiry
100 nmol10 - 90 BasesInquiry
250 nmol5 - 100 BasesInquiry
Custom RNA Plate OligoSingle-stranded RNA Plate Oligo10 nmol5-60 basesInquiry
25 nmol5-60 basesInquiry
50 nmol5-60 basesInquiry

If you have any needs, please feel free to contact us.

  • Modification - No modifications or 3' and 5' modifications
  • Purification - HPLC or PAGE purified
  • Validation- MS and PAGE analysis plus additional QA procedures
  • Quantity delivered - The delivery amounts based on final yields in nmol, rather than on abstract OD260 values
  • Available plate types - 96-well or 384-well
  • Documentation & Reports - Oligo synthesis report and quality report incl. QC spectra, if requested


The concept of "plate-based oligonucleotides" is not only applied to production but also to detection and quantification. For example:

  • oligonucleotide-linked immunosorbent assay (OLISA) in microwell plate-based system is similar to conventional enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) by making use of DNA oligonucleotides covalently bound to the detection antibody (dAb) and complementary RNA oligonucleotides supplemented with fluorophore and quench agents. The employ of RNase H to degrade RNA in DNA-RNA duplex leads to subsequent generation and amplification of fluorescent signals that can be used to evaluate cancer biomarkers in clinical diagnosis.

Principles of OLISAFig. 1 Principles of OLISA (Han K C, 2010)

  • Plate-based oligonucleotide electro-chemiluminescence immunoassays (POE) can be highly sensitive for quantification of individual siRNA strands (antisense or sense).

Illustration of the POE immunoassay sandwichFig. 2 Illustration of the POE immunoassay sandwich (Han K C, 2020)


  1. Han K C; et al. An approach to multiplexing an immunosorbent assay with antibody-oligonucleotide conjugates. Bioconjug Chem. 2010, 21(12): 2190-6.
  2. Thayer M B; et al. POE Immunoassay: Plate-based oligonucleotide electro-chemiluminescent immunoassay for the quantification of nucleic acids in biological matrices. Sci Rep. 2020, 10(1): 10425.
* Only for research. Not suitable for any diagnostic or therapeutic use.
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