Tools | Description | Website |
NCBI | National Center for Biotechnology Information. | 
ExoCarta exosome database | Database of exosomes, providing content identified in exosomes of multiple organisms. | 
Vesiclepedia Extracellular vesicle database | Database for extracellular vesicle research. | 
circRNADisease | Database manually supported by circRNA and disease experiments. | 
miRBase 21.0 | A comprehensive database that provides information including miRNA sequence data, annotations, predicted gene targets, etc. | 
piRNABank | piRNABank contains the most comprehensive piRNA sequence information available, including nearly 20 million piRNA-related sequences from species of human, mouse and rat. | 
Starbase | Starbase is commonly used in lncRNA/circRNA/microRNA research, etc. | 
CSCD cancer-associated circRNA | CSCD (cancer-specific circRNA database) is a database developed for cancer-specific cyclins. | 
FRNADB | It hosts a large number of non-coding transcripts, including annotated/non-annotated sequences from the H-IV database, non-coding and RNADB. | 
The Functional lncRNA Database | A database of mammalian long-stranded non-protein-coding transcripts. | 
CIRCpedia (v2) | An updated and comprehensive database containing circRNA annotations for over 150 RNA SEQ datasets from 6 different species. | 
LncRNADisease database | The lncRNA and disease database (LncRNADisease), a database that contains more than 160 diseases associated long non-coding RNAs, and bioinformatics tool integration to predict the relationship between new human long non-coding RNAs and diseases. | 
NONCODE | A well-known database for non-coding RNA research, providing comprehensive annotation of long-stranded non-coding RNAs. | 
GeneCards v3 | GeneCards is a searchable, integrated human gene database that provides concise genome-related information on all known and predicted human genes. | 
TCGA | TCGA is a collaborative database of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) that produces comprehensive and multidimensional maps of key genomic changes in 33 cancers. | 
circRNA Search Database | It is used to retrieve circRNA information. | 
exoRBase 2.0 | exoRBase is a repository of circulating RNA (circRNA), long-stranded non-coding RNA (lncRNA) and messenger RNA (mRNA) derived from RNA SEQ data analysis of human blood exosomes, which also includes experimental validations of published literatures. | 
DIANA-LncBase | DIANA-LncBase provides comprehensive annotation of miRNA targets on lncRNAs, preserving experimentally validated and computationally predicted miRNA recognition elements on human and mouse lncRNAs for the entire transcriptome. | 
UniProt protein sequence and function | UniProt provides the scientific community with a comprehensive, high-quality and freely accessible resource for protein sequence and functional information. | 
LNCipedia | It provides comprehensive annotation of the sequence and structure of long-stranded human non-coding RNAs. | 
miRDB | miRDB is an online database for miRNA target prediction and functional annotations. | 