Diverse IVT RNA in Vaccine Development: mRNA, saRNA, circRNA


IVT RNA in Vaccine Development

mRNA was discovered in 1961, but it wasn't until the COVID-19 pandemic that its prominent contribution to COVID-19 vaccines garnered significant attention, driving continued interest in this therapy from investors. In 2023, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to the two pioneers of mRNA technology, Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman, further highlighting its significance. To address the limitations of traditional linear mRNA vaccines, technologies such as self-amplifying mRNA (saRNA/SAM) and trans-amplifying mRNA (taRNA) have emerged. In recent years, circRNA vaccines have also been considered a promising vaccine or therapeutic drug platform due to their structural stability. In vaccine development, in vitro transcription (IVT) plays a crucial role, especially in RNA-based vaccines. IVT involves synthesizing RNA molecules in a laboratory environment using DNA templates and RNA polymerase. This process is applicable to various types of RNA molecules, including mRNA, self-amplifying RNA (saRNA), and circular RNA (circRNA).

A timeline of some fundamental discoveries in the development of RNA vaccine technology.A timeline of some fundamental discoveries in the development of RNA vaccine technology. (Perenkov, A.D.; et al, 2023)

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What is the Process of RNA IVT?

RNA in vitro transcription, commonly known as RNA IVT, is a technique used in molecular biology to synthesize RNA molecules outside of living cells. It's a crucial method for producing RNA for research purposes and various applications in biotechnology. Essentially, it involves creating RNA from a DNA template in a laboratory setting, allowing scientists to generate large quantities of specific RNA sequences for studying gene expression, developing diagnostic tools, or designing RNA-based therapeutics like mRNA vaccines. This process plays a vital role in advancing our understanding of genetics and molecular biology, as well as in developing innovative solutions for healthcare and biotechnology industries.

Features of Different IVT RNA


Non-amplified mRNA (NRM) refers to the mRNA synthesized in vitro without the need for restriction endonucleases or PCR for amplification of DNA. Instead, it directly utilizes linear DNA templates to synthesize mRNA. This process is typically facilitated by bacteriophage T3, T7, or SP6 RNA polymerases. NRM molecules consist of five parts: 5' cap, 5' UTR, ORF, 3' UTR, and poly(A) tail. During the synthesis process, the 5' cap is a methylated guanosine structure crucial for splicing, nuclear export, and translation. Depending on the requirements, RNA capping can be achieved post-transcriptionally or co-transcriptionally. The 5' UTR serves as a platform for transcriptional complex assembly, modulating translation efficiency. The ORF in mRNA determines the encoded sequence governing vaccine functional properties. Meanwhile, the 3' UTR plays a crucial role in mRNA localization, stability, and translation efficiency. Finally, the addition of a poly(A) tail protects mRNA from exonucleolytic degradation, extending mRNA lifespan and enhancing protein production.

IVT Self-Amplifying mRNA & Trans-Amplifying mRNA

IVT Circular RNA (circRNA)

CircRNA is a single-stranded RNA molecule that forms a closed-loop structure without a 5' cap or poly(A) tail. This structure lacks the terminal sequences required for recognition by exonucleases, making it resistant to degradation by exonucleases and more stable compared to linear RNA. Methods for circRNA synthesis include chemical methods or enzyme-catalyzed methods. Chemical methods often utilize condensing agents like BrCN or EDC to activate RNA circularization. The limitation of this method is that the circularization bond is not a phosphodiester bond, so it cannot mimic the reverse splicing sites in vivo chemically.

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Immunogenicity of Different IVT RNA

Immunogenicity poses a significant challenge in RNA technology. To reduce immunogenicity, incorporating various modified nucleotides during IVT process is an effective approach. Commonly used modified nucleotides include N1-methyladenosine (m1A), N6-methyladenosine (m6A), 5-methoxyuridine (mo5U), 2-thiouridine (s2U), pseudouridine (ψ), N1-methylpseudouridine (m1ψ), 5-methylcytidine (m5C), 5-methoxycytidine (5moC), and 5-hydroxymethylcytidine (5hmC). However, it is important to note that the impact of modified nucleotides on the translation process varies across different cells. Moreover, modified nucleotides are mostly used in NRM and taRNA, as they can disrupt the activity of replicases and are therefore not used in SAM. Additionally, unlike linear mRNA, m6A-modified nucleotides are commonly used in circRNA to ensure circularization efficiency and translation levels. Furthermore, to reduce the immunogenicity of products and minimize the generation and removal of dsDNA, dsRNA, ssDNA, and DNA/RNA heterodimers are crucial. Existing methods include using DNase-I to eliminate DNA contaminants, reducing Mg2+ concentration or incorporating modified nucleotides to reduce dsRNA formation, using RP-HPLC and cellulose to remove dsRNA, and using RNase R or ribonuclease T to remove linear RNA molecules from circRNA.

The following table shows the basic pattern recognition receptors (PRR) that recognize different nucleic acids.

Types of Nucleic AcidsPattern Recognition Receptor (PRR)Affects
Inhibits protein translation
Pro-inflammatory cytokine synthesis
Inhibits protein translation
Pro-inflammatory cytokine synthesis
Stopping translation
RNA degradation
Inhibits protein translation
Pro-inflammatory cytokine synthesis
Stopping translation
Pro-inflammatory cytokine synthesis

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Prospects for IVT RNA

In vitro transcription RNA technology plays a crucial role in vaccine development. By synthesizing RNA molecules, this technology facilitates vaccine research and production in several aspects:

Looking ahead, the continued improvement of IVT RNA technology, especially RNA platform technologies such as NRM, SAM, taRNA, and circRNA, is anticipated. While the NRM platform is the most mature, its short half-life and limited antigen production present challenges. SAM addresses NRM's shortcomings, but the presence of nsPs restricts the length of the Gene of Interest (GOI). CircRNA, with its unique circular structure, offers a longer half-life and enhanced safety due to the absence of viral sequences. Moreover, circRNA lacks a 5' cap and poly(A) tail, allowing for the use of modified nitrogen-containing bases, which significantly compensate for the deficiencies of NRM. Therefore, the prospects for IVT RNA technology are broad, with the potential to further drive advancements in vaccine research and production to address challenges such as infectious diseases.


  1. Perenkov, A.D.; et al. In Vitro Transcribed RNA-Based Platform Vaccines: Past, Present, and Future. Adv Drug Deliv Rev. Vaccines 2023, 11(10), 160.
* Only for research. Not suitable for any diagnostic or therapeutic use.
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