Universal Support-CPG (DMT-Ribose-Linker); 500 Å

Catalog number: BRP-02335

Universal Support-CPG (DMT-Ribose-Linker); 500 Å

Universal CPG solid support for oligonucleotide synthesis, with a ribose linker.

* Please kindly note that our products are not to be used for therapeutic purposes and cannot be sold to patients.
5' CPG Succinyl 2'-O-Acetyl-3'-O-DMT Uridine & 5' CPG Succinyl 3'-O-Acetyl-2'-O-DMT Uridine
White to off-white powder
Store at 2-8 °C
Room temperature.
Synthesis Conditions
Include a nonsense base as the 3' terminal base for sequence entry systems.
Cleavage Conditions
For cleavage use ammonia/LiCl (15 mg LiCl in 1 mL concentrated aqueous ammonia, ca 0.1N LiCl) or methylamine/ammonia/LiCl for 90 minutes at 25°C. Filter off CPG support and collect supernant.
Deprotection Conditions
Deprotect supernant in ammonia/LiCl (15 mg LiCl in 1 mL concentrated aqueous ammonia) for 6 hours at 65°C or methylamine/ammonia/LiCl for about 3-4 hours at 65°C.

Chemical Structure:

Reference Reading

1. Monotone Quantifiers Emerge via Iterated Learning
Fausto Carcassi, Shane Steinert-Threlkeld, Jakub Szymanik. Cogn Sci. 2021 Aug;45(8):e13027. doi: 10.1111/cogs.13027.
Natural languages exhibit many semantic universals, that is, properties of meaning shared across all languages. In this paper, we develop an explanation of one very prominent semantic universal, the monotonicity universal. While the existing work has shown that quantifiers satisfying the monotonicity universal are easier to learn, we provide a more complete explanation by considering the emergence of quantifiers from the perspective of cultural evolution. In particular, we show that quantifiers satisfy the monotonicity universal evolve reliably in an iterated learning paradigm with neural networks as agents.
2. Matter-Driven Change of Spacetime Topology
J Ambjørn, Z Drogosz, J Gizbert-Studnicki, A Görlich, J Jurkiewicz, D Németh. Phys Rev Lett. 2021 Oct 15;127(16):161301. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.161301.
Using Monte Carlo computer simulations, we study the impact of matter fields on the geometry of a typical quantum universe in the causal dynamical triangulations (cdt) model of lattice quantum gravity. The quantum universe has the size of a few Planck lengths and the spatial topology of a three-torus. The matter fields are multicomponent scalar fields taking values in a torus with circumference δ in each spatial direction, which acts as a new parameter in the cdt model. Changing δ, we observe a phase transition caused by the scalar field. This discovery may have important consequences for quantum universes with nontrivial topology, since the phase transition can change the topology to a simply connected one.
3. Eternal inflation
A H Guth. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2001 Dec;950:66-82. doi: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.2001.tb02128.x.
The basic workings of inflationary models are summarized, along with the arguments that strongly suggest that our universe is the product of inflation. It is argued that essentially all inflationary models lead to (future-)eternal inflation, which implies that an infinite number of pocket universes are produced. Although the other pocket universes are unobservable, their existence nonetheless has consequences for the way that we evaluate theories and extract consequences from them. The question of whether the universe had a beginning is discussed but not definitively answered. It appears likely, however, that eternally inflating universes do require a beginning.
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